The tobacco industry heavily targets teens and young adults to recruit new customers and guarantee profits. About 95 percent of current adults who smoke started before they were 18.¹
A 2015 report from the National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) found that increasing the legal age to buy commercial tobacco to 21 would decrease smoking initiation among 15-17 year olds by 25 percent.² A Minnesota-specific study looked at the impact of raising the tobacco age and found that 25% fewer 15 year olds would start smoking by the time they turn 18. This translates into 30,000 young people never starting smoking or using commercial tobacco over 15 years.³
If youth don’t smoke by the time they are 21, they likely never will.

Why Tobacco 21 Matters
Nicotine is addictive and particularly harmful to the developing adolescent brain. Evidence suggests that nicotine interferes with brain maturation and can have a long term effect on cognitive development and mental health.⁴ The long-term effects of nicotine on the adolescent brain is a significant public health concern.⁵,⁶
Any step to prevent youth from becoming addicted to tobacco products is a step in the right direction, especially in the face of the youth nicotine epidemic.

Federal, State, and Local Efforts
As of December 2019, 19 states (Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia and Washington) had raised the tobacco age to 21, along with Washington, D.C. and more than 540 localities.
On December 20, 2019, former President Trump signed Tobacco 21 into federal law. Raising the national tobacco sales age to 21 is a victory for youth and health, but state and local action is still needed to maximize health benefits. ANSR continues to work with state and local partners to implement this policy and pursue a comprehensive approach to commercial tobacco prevention and cessation here in Minnesota.
By May 2020, 75 Minnesota cities and counties had raised the commercial tobacco sales age to 21. This set the stage for the Minnesota State Legislature to pass a Tobacco 21 law in May that ensured all youth in the state are protected.
ANSR provided signage to vendors across the state. If you need more signage, please contact us at

Alternatives to Penalties for Youth
Penalties on underage possession, use, and purchase of commercial tobacco have not been proven to reduce commercial tobacco use. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends education, counseling, and support to reduce youth use.
Research shows that punitive measures against young people can results in unintentional consequences and increase the likelihood of youth initiation. The community programs for youth listed below are available as alternatives to punitive measures.
My Life My Quit
Youth ages 13-18 can access free tobacco treatment services through My Life, My Quit (MLMQ) supported by the MN Department of Health.
Features include:
Free continuing education for school staff on commercial tobacco treatment for youth at;
resources to implement MLMQ as an alternative to suspension; and
Posters and other promotional materials.
Stanford Medicine Tobacco Prevention Toolkit
The Stanford Medicine Tobacco Prevention Toolkit is a free theory-based and evidence-informed curriculums and resources created by educators, parents, youth and researchers aimed at preventing middle and high school students’ use of tobacco and nicotine.
The Toolkit Includes:
You and Me, Together Vape-Free Curriculum;
Healthy Futures Curriculum: Alternative-to-Suspension Curriculum;
Smokeless Tobacco 101;
Hookah 101; and
Factsheets and posters.
This Is Quitting
This is Quitting is a free and anonymous text messaging program from Truth Initiative designed to help young people quit vaping.
Features include:
Tailored programming based on age (within 13-24 years old) and product usage to give teens and young adults appropriate recommendations about quitting; and
Free promotional materials to promote This is Quitting within schools and local communities.
INDEPTH | American Lung Association
INDEPTH is a FREE interactive program that teaches students about nicotine dependence, establishing healthy alternatives and how to kick the unhealthy addiction that got them in trouble in the first place.
How it works:
Schools connect with the American Lung Association;
Facilitators complete an online INDEPTH training; and
Facilitators prepare and implement the INDEPTH program.
Escape the Vape Video Challenge
Escape the Vape Video Challenge is a PSA video contest where Minnesota middle and high schools can use their voice to raise awareness about the dangers of vaping and expose the shadowy tactics of the tobacco industry. Students create and upload their 30-second, vape-bashing PSA video, and have the chance to win $500 for themselves and $500 for their school or organization, along with other great prizes. #mnjointheescape
Vape, Educate
Vape, Educate is an online course originally designed to be completed by middle and high school students. It can be purchased and used as an educational program for teachers, parents, and other community members. The program is intended to be used as a tool that provides supplemental material to educate students about vaping.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Preventing Tobacco Use Among Youth and Young Adults: A Report of the Surgeon General. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National 2 Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health. 2012.
National Academy of Medicine. Public Health Implications of Raising the Minimum Age of Legal Access to Tobacco Products. National Academy Press. 2015.
Boyle, R., Kingsbury, J. & Parks, M. Raising the Minimum Legal Sales Age for Tobacco to 21. Minnesota Medicine. 2017.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Smoking: 50 Years of Progress. A Report of the Surgeon General. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health. 2014.
Goriounova, N., Mansvelder, H. Nicotine exposure during adolescence alters the rules for prefrontal cortical synaptic plasticity during adulthood. Frontiers in synaptic neuroscience. 2012.
Nelson, D. et al. Long-term trends in adolescent and young adult smoking in the United States: metapatterns and implications. Am J Public Health. 2008.