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  • 2023 Annual Report - ANSR | ANSRMN.ORG

    OUR MISSION ANSR is dedicated to reducing the human and economic costs of commercial tobacco, nicotine and other drug use in Minnesota. Our core commitments are: ​ to protect young Minnesotans from a lifetime of addiction; to ensure that all Minnesotans can breathe clean, smoke-free air everywhere; and to reduce health inequities and other disparities in relation to commercial tobacco, nicotine and other drugs.​ ​ In 1975, ANSR helped pass the nation’s first comprehensive state clean indoor air legislation. Since then, ANSR has continued to play a leading role in shaping tobacco policy and has been involved in every major state-wide policy, such as the Freedom to Breathe Act in 2007 and raising the tobacco tax in 2013. ANSR helped Minneapolis and Saint Paul restrict the sales of flavored tobacco, including menthol, and also helped Edina become the first Minneapolis city to raise the tobacco sales age to 21. ​ Financial Documents 2023 ANSR Audited Financial Statements 2023 Federal Form 990 Annual Reports 2023 Annual Report 2022 ANSR Audited Financial Statements 2022 Federal Form 990 2022 Annual Report 2021 ANSR Audited Financial Statements 2021 Federal Form 990 2021 Annual Report 2020 ANSR Audited Financial Statements 2020 Federal Form 990 2020 Annual Report 2019 ANSR Audited Financial Statements 2019 Federal Form 990 2019 Annual Report 2018 ANSR Audited Financial Statements 2018 Federal Form 990 2018 Annual Report 2017 ANSR Audited Financial Statements 2017 Federal Form 990 2017 Annual Report

  • Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs | ANSRMN.ORG

    ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND OTHER DRUGS (ATOD) Minnesota Prevention Resource Center The best way to prevent substance abuse is by addressing its root causes. The Minnesota Prevention Resource Center supports people and organizations to engage in this effort. MPRC provides information you need by: ​ Sharing stories of MN community-based prevention work in action. Hosting the state's annual statewide prevention conference . Hosting ongoing trainings in prevention basic skills, best practices and prevention ethics. Providing an easy-to-search, online collection of prevention resources . Communicating essential news and information on prevention work in Minnesota. Visit the MPRC Website Contact MPRC Regional Prevention Coordinators Regional Prevention Coordinators (RPC) support Minnesota communities in their efforts to prevent youth substance use and abuse. ANSR houses RPCs for Regions 5 and 7. They help start and grow prevention efforts in your community through personalized support and consultation on: ​ Where to begin Getting the right people to the table Creating a plan Putting the work into action Figuring out what’s working and what’s not ​ Services provided by Regional Prevention Coordinators are guided by SAMHSA (the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) principles designed to build and maintain effective prevention programming within a Strategic Prevention Framework. Funded by the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Behavioral Health Division (BHD). Visit the RPC Website Other Prevention Resources Minnesota Prevention Alliance

  • Menthol Coalition | ANSRMN.ORG

    MENTHOL COALITION ANSR and NorthPoint Health and Wellness Center have been working together for many years. The two organizations partnered in 2015 to create the Minneapolis Menthol Coalition with the shared goal of repealing the exemption for “menthol” in Minneapolis’ flavored tobacco restrictions. ANSR and NorthPoint recruited and empowered new social justice leaders, youth public health advocates and faith leaders from Black congregations. These leaders engaged community members to learn about and take action to counteract the predatory marketing practices of the tobacco industry. When Reynolds American Tobacco Company hired a nationally known pastor to argue the initiative was hostile to African Americans, the opposition failed because community leaders were already knowledgeable and engaged and were not dissuaded. In 2017, the Minneapolis City Council removed the menthol exception, making Minneapolis one of the first and largest cities in the country with a comprehensive policy. Since then, the coalition has expanded to include a diverse group of leaders from more than 40 community and health organizations, educational institutions, and religious groups. Learn More About the Minnesota Menthol Coalition About Menthol Tobacco Removing menthol and flavored commercial tobacco from the marketplace will address health disparities caused by Big Tobacco’s lethal tactics. Racism is a public health crisis. Clearing the market of menthol and all flavored products will directly improve the health of Black communities and other groups targeted by Big Tobacco. ​ Communities across Minnesota are working to protect youth and other targeted groups by enacting flavored tobacco restrictions. Minneapolis and Saint Paul led the way in Minnesota in passing policies that restrict the sale of all flavored commercial tobacco products, including menthol. Now, there are 16 Minnesota communities that have restricted or ended the sale of flavored tobacco, including menthol. Communities across Minnesota are working to protect youth and other targeted groups by ending the sale of flavored and menthol tobacco. Our Partner: NorthPoint Health and Wellness Center NorthPoint Health and Wellness Center is a community-based, nonprofit primary care setting that provides and coordinates high quality, patient- and family-centered health care promotion and chronic condition management for North Minneapolis residents. NorthPoint strives to improve the physical and socioeconomic health of the North Minneapolis community through an integrated model of health and human services. ​ NorthPoint’s vision is to set a standard of excellence in providing culturally responsive, integrated, holistic primary health and social services that strengthen the North Minneapolis community. NorthPoint has over 20 community health workers who provide culturally specific education and resources to the community. These services include assisting NorthPoint guests with navigating MNSure, SNAP, maternal and child health care and emergency housing assistance. Community health workers serve as the link to coverage and care, provide trauma-informed care and are uniquely positioned to improve health outcomes and health equity within the community. ​ NorthPoint’s more than 50-year history and legacy represents a commitment that has weathered social and economic changes and challenges. Its roots are closely linked to the civil rights movement of the 1960s, a period that saw blatant racial disturbances and inequalities in urban communities across the country, including Minneapolis. ​ Sena Geleto is Community Outreach Coordinator – Health Policy & Advocacy at NorthPoint. She works on local and statewide commercial tobacco policy. She has testified before city councils in support of ending the sale of flavored commercial tobacco and has done extensive community organizing around tobacco price discounting and hookah in Minneapolis. Sena is also a biology major at the University of Minnesota. In 2024, she completed a series of community interviews and compiled them in a booklet called “The People vs. Big Tobacco.” The interviews capture the collective experiences of folks working to combat the devastating effects of commercial tobacco use. Download the PDF by clicking the button below. The People vs. Big Tobacco (PDF)

  • Programs | ANSRMN.ORG

    PROGRAMS Live Smoke Free Technical Assistance Retailer Compliance Stop Sales to Minors Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Project WATCH Menthol Coalition Ramsey Tobacco Coalition Tobacco-Free Spaces

  • Resources | ANSRMN.ORG

    RESOURCES Minnesota History Since passing the first-of-its-kind Clean Indoor Air Act in 1975, Minnesota has remained a leader in commercial tobacco prevention. Learn More About Minnesota History Research ANSR has participated in many research studies with partners, including the University of Minnesota and the Minneapolis VA Medical Center. Learn More About Research Tobacco 101 “Tobacco 101: A Teacher’s Guide to Anti-Tobacco Lesson Planning” is a free, web-accessible guide for teaching youth about tobacco prevention. Learn More About Tobacco 101 Environmental Impact Toolkit Commercial tobacco products like cigarettes and e-cigarettes have a large impact on our environment. Learn More About Environmental Impact

  • Tobacco 101: Lesson Seven | ANSRMN.ORG

    Lesson Seven: Sharing Our Findings: Taking Action Lesson Seven (PDF) Lesson Seven (PPT) Lesson Files How We Will Gather Support Issues and Goals Store Survey Results Tools to Build Support Who Will Support Us Videos Saint Paul Advocates at Work Minneapolis Ordinance Prevents Youth Tobacco Use

  • Environmental Impact | ANSRMN.ORG

    ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF COMMERCIAL TOBACCO Commercial tobacco products like cigarettes and e-cigarettes have a substantial impact on our environment. These products contribute to the litter problem, with cigarettes being the most littered product in the US and e-cigarettes contributing to the single-use plastic problem and electronic waste. Throughout their life cycle, commercial tobacco products contribute to deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, litter, single-use plastic waste and electronic waste, threatening our planet and our people. Environmental Impact of Commercial Tobacco Toolkit Environmental Impact of Commercial Tobacco Factsheet Paragraph Download the PDF Hazardous Waste Disposal Factsheet Paragraph Download the Fact Sheet Youth E-Cigarette Environmental Graphic Paragraph Download the Graphic Additional Environmental Resources From the Public Health Law Center, FDA and more. ​ Download Resources Environmental Impacts Lesson Plan This is Chapter 9 of ANSR's Tobacco 101 curriculum. Download Lesson Plan Additional Materials Available Upon Request ​ Environmental Impacts and Hazardous Waste Presentation Examples of Letters of Support Letters to the Editors on the Environmental Impacts Request Materials Tobacco - Threat to our Environment (WHO SEARO)

  • Tobacco 101 | ANSRMN.ORG

    TOBACCO 101 What is Tobacco 101? “Tobacco 101: A Teacher’s Guide to Anti-Tobacco Lesson Planning” is a free, web-accessible, ten-lesson guide that will help you teach your students about the harms of tobacco and the deceptive marketing tactics of the tobacco industry, all while supporting their development into young tobacco prevention advocates. ​ The curriculum is geared towards middle and high school students and can be used in a classroom, after school or out-of-school setting. Within the guide you’ll find: downloadable resources, video and other multimedia links, activities for a variety of learning styles, hands-on student engagement, student-led discussion and learning and supplemental materials. The guide contains 11 lessons. Click the images to access and download the lesson PDFs: Lesson One Tobacco 101 -- Intro to Tobacco ​ Lesson Four Flavored Tobacco, Menthol and E-Cigarettes ​ Lesson Seven Sharing Our Findings: Taking Action ​ Lesson Ten Environmental Impact ​ ​ Lesson Two Marketing and Advertising: What You See is Not Always What You Get Lesson Five People Power vs. Tobacco Industry ​ Lesson Eight ​ ​ Price Discounting ​ ​ Lesson Eleven Mental Health and Nicotine ​ Lesson Three Child Labor in the Tobacco Industry Lesson Six What is the Tobacco Industry Doing in my Neighborhood? Lesson Nine Electronic Cigarettes (Vapes): A Deeper Dive ​ DOWNLOAD THE FULL CURRICULUM DOWNLOAD THE FULL CURRICULUM ​ We hope you enjoy engaging your students with this fun, interactive tool aimed at helping them become young commercial tobacco prevention advocates in their own communities. Please contact with questions. Forms Sample Parent Letter and Permission Forms Certificate of Completion Resources

  • Tobacco 101: Lesson Four | ANSRMN.ORG

    Lesson Four: Flavored Tobacco, Menthol and E-Cigarettes Lesson Four (PDF) Lesson Four (PPT) Lesson Files Advertisement Worksheet Electronic Cigarette Factsheet Flavored Tobacco Products Factsheet Menthol Factsheet Post Activity Factsheet Surgeon General Warning Labels Top Secret Letter Videos E-Cigarettes in Minnesota The Problem with Flavored Tobacco Menthol Cigarettes 101

  • E-Cigarettes | ANSRMN.ORG

    E-CIGARETTES Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, are battery-operated devices that contain a mixture of liquid nicotine and other chemicals. The device heats this mixture, called e-juice, producing a nicotine aerosol that is inhaled. E-cigarettes are also called vapes, vape pens, e-hookahs, e-pipes, hookah pens or personal vaporizers. ​ The 2017 Minnesota Youth Tobacco Survey, conducted by the Minnesota Department of Health, showed that the youth commercial tobacco usage rate increased for the first time since 2000 when the survey first began. The rise was due to e-cigarettes. E-cigarette use among Minnesota high school students peaked around the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and has decreased since. In 2023, one in seven (13.9%) of Minnesota high school students had vaped in the past 30 days. The Beginning: JUUL The rise of market leader JUUL, pictured left, in the 2010s lead to a massive increase in e-cigarette use among youth. ​ JUUL pods come in youth-friendly flavors and provide a doubled dose of nicotine when compared to typical e-cigarettes. This is dangerous, as nicotine is harmful to developing adolescent brains. Nicotine interferes with brain development and can have a long-term effect on mental health. Even brief or intermittent nicotine exposure during adolescence can cause lasting damage. E-cigarette use by youth and young adults increases their risk of using conventional cigarettes in the future. "Disposable" Vapes Unlike refillable or pod-based vapes such as JUUL, disposable vapes are meant to be discarded after a single use. These products come in a wide variety of shapes, flavors, and colors and are becoming increasingly popular. They are not FDA approved nor regulated. ​ The term "disposable" is misleading. E-cigarettes contain nicotine, plastics, heavy metals, and lithium-ion batteries, all of which cannot be disposed of in the garbage. They are classified as hazardous waste. E-Cigarettes and Schools It’s easy for youth to hide e-cigarettes among everyday school supplies in their backpacks. Since the rise of JUUL, other look-alike products have hit the market in a wide range of flavors. ​ Some schools have gone so far as to ban USB drives, as it is too difficult for teachers to discern between the devices. There are many deceptive products on the market that are designed for youth to hide their use. These include vape hoodies, devices built into working watches, and devices made to look like lipstick or highlighters. ​ With these issues in mind, ANSR put together the Tools for Schools Toolkit to help schools address commercial tobacco use, including the use of vapes, on school property. The guide also includes tools and resources to adopt and implement a commercial tobacco-free policy. Download Tools for Schools Toolkit Regulations Minnesota law prohibits e-cigarette use in public schools, hospitals, clinics, daycare facilities during hours of operations, and government-owned buildings, including city and county buildings. Minnesota law requires e-cigarette liquids and systems to be sold in child-resistant packaging. E-cigarettes cannot be sold from movable places of business, like mall kiosks or community events, or in self-service displays. Retailers are required to obtain a tobacco license before selling these products and to ensure these products are only sold to those who are 21 years of age or older. Youth Tobacco Usage & COVID-19 Research has shown commercial tobacco use can affect COVID-19 outcomes. In 2020 ANSR worked with youth advocates in Ramsey County to conduct a pair of surveys of youth in the Twin Cities Metro. The youth assembled and disseminated the survey questions, putting together a survey early during the Stay at Home orders and again in late summer 2020. Youth Vaping Survey Toolkit: ​ ANSR created a toolkit, based on the surveys (shown left), outlining youth engagement and survey implementation. This toolkit also includes sample questions to ask, as well as a step-by-step guide on how to create your own survey and engage youth in collecting data. Download Toolkit E-Cigarette Resources E-Cigarettes Fact Sheet E-Cigarettes Fact Sheet Citations Big Tobacco Desk Image Vaping and Mental Health Fact Sheet Spanish Version Big Tobacco Backpack Image

  • Board of Directors | ANSRMN.ORG

    BOARD OF DIRECTORS Many of our board members do not have an office at ANSR, but they are still available if you would like to speak with them. To contact any of our board members, please call 651-646-3005 and ask to speak with Jeanne Weigum, ANSR President. Below you will find a list of our board members’ names and the titles they hold on the board. Jeanne Weigum ANSR President Bernie Hesse Vice-President Mary Bergaas Treasurer Eugene Nichols Secretary Jean Forster, Ph.D, MPH Director at Large Deb Hennrikus, Ph.D Director Martha Hewett Director Natalie Johnson Lee Director Lisa Marshall, MS, RD, LD Director Monique Muggli, JD Director Paul Pentel, MD Director Kris Rhodes, MPH Director ***The Association for Nonsmokers - Minnesota will hold it's annual membership meeting on October 17th beginning at 5:30p.m. At this meeting, elections will be held for board positions with terms that are ending.***


    NORTH SUBURBAN TOBACCO COMPLIANCE PROJECT (NSTCP) The North Suburban Tobacco Compliance Project (NSTCP) offers law enforcement, decision makers, vendors and communities a proven and comprehensive method to ensure youth don’t have access to commercial tobacco products. NSTCP recruits and trains all youth buyers to follow a specific compliance check protocol, and they continually receive feedback after each time they assist. Each student receives a gift certificate to reimburse them for their time or verification of service hours completed. NSTCP Trainings NSTCP holds two scheduled tobacco vendor trainings per year open. These trainings are open to all vendors in participating cities and cost nothing to the vendor. Program coordinator Katie Engman is also available to provide onsite vendor trainings when requested. This allows for all employees to be present at the training, provides individualized attention and offers flexibility to the vendors. Training materials are also available for vendors. ​ After the tobacco compliance check is completed, a certificate is sent by NSTCP to notify vendor management that the store has passed a tobacco compliance check. This saves time for law enforcement, as they do not need to go in after each check and notify the vendor. ​ All tobacco compliance check results are tracked to create a longitudinal look at trends. Each city receives its results, so it can identify problems and celebrate success in reducing youth access to commercial tobacco. All results are communicated to city, county and state elected officials. The cost of the program is based on a per vendor ratio. State law allows for cities to charge a tobacco license fee large enough to cover all enforcement and administrative costs. The only limitation is that the fee should not exceed the direct and indirect costs in issuing the license and policing the licensed activities. The fee for participation in the North Suburban Tobacco Compliance Project could fall under this category. The project continues to receive a grant from the Association for Nonsmokers-MN to offset each city’s cost to participate in the program. ​ Learn how to conduct compliance checks during the COVID-19 pandemic using this factsheet . For more information: Katie H. Engman Project Coordinator 651-646-3005

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