ANSR has participated in many research studies with partners, including the University of Minnesota and the Minneapolis VA Medical Center. Selected publications are listed below.

1. Brock, B., Choi, K., Boyle, R.G., Moilanen, M., & Schillo, B.A. (2016). Tobacco product prices before and after a statewide tobacco tax increase. Tobacco Control, Published online first. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2014-052018.
2. Amato, M., Boyle, R.G., Brock B. 1, (2015). Higher price, fewer packs: evaluating a tobacco tax increase with cigarette sales data. American Journal of Public Health, Published online first. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302438.
3. Brock, B., Schillo, B.A., & Moilanen, M. (2014). Tobacco industry marketing: and analysis of direct mail coupons and giveaways. Tobacco Control, Published online first. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2014-051602
4. Choi, K., Fabian, L., Brock, B., Engman, K., Jansen, J., & Forster, J. (2014). Availability of snus and its sale to minors in a large Minnesota city. Tobacco Control, 23(5), 449-451. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2012-050719
5. Widome, R., Brock, B., Noble, P., & Forster, J.L. (2013). The relationship of neighborhood characteristics to point-of-sale tobacco advertising and marketing. Ethnicity and Health, 18(2), 136-51.
6. Hewett, M., Ortland, W., Brock, B., & Helm, C. (2012). Secondhand smoke and smokefree policies in owner-occupied multi-unit housing. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 43(5S3), S187-S196.
7. Widome, R., Brock, B., Noble, P., & Forster, J.L. (2012). The relationship of point-of sale advertising and neighborhood characteristics to underage sales of tobacco. Evaluation & the Health Professions, 35(3), 331-345.
8. Widome, R., Brock, B., Klein, E.G., & Forster, J.L. (2012). Smokeless tobacco advertising at the point of sale: prevalence, placement, and demographic correlates. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 14(2), 217-223.
9. Widome, R., Joseph, A.M., Brock, B., Chlebeck, B., Polusny, M., Gulden, A., & Fu, S.S. (2011). Talking to Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans about tobacco use. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 13(7), 623-626.
10. Hewett, M.J., Sandell, S.D., Anderson, J., & Niebuhr, M. (2007). Secondhand smoke in apartment buildings: renter and owner or manager perspectives. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, Suppl 1, S39-47.
11. Klein, E.G., Forster, J.L., McFadden, B., & Outley, C.W. (2007). Minnesota tobacco-free park policies: Attitudes of the general public and park officials. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, Suppl 9, S49-55.
12. Weigum, J. (2005) Case study 8.3 titled “In Minnesota: Multiple strategies, multiple defeats-ultimate victory” in National Cancer Institute, ASSIST: Shaping the Future of Tobacco Prevention and Control. Tobacco Control Monograph No. 16. Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute. NIH Pub. No. 05-5645, May 2005.
13. Hennrikus, D., Pentel, P.R., & Sandell, S.D. (2003). Preferences and practices among renters regarding smoking restrictions in apartment buildings. Tobacco Control, 12(2), 189-94.
14. Weigum, J. & Ravnitzky, M. (1999) Filtered or unfiltered information: Choices in how to make the Minnesota tobacco document depository records more accessible to the public. William Mitchell Law Review, 25(2), Article 11.