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Our Values

The Association for Nonsmokers-Minnesota (ANSR) is a values-driven organization. We regularly review, discuss, and document the values that drive our work.

Why Does ANSR Have an Equity Statement?

Equity, specifically health equity, is both an ANSR value and central to ANSR’s mission. For 50 years ANSR has been dedicated to reducing the human and economic costs of commercial tobacco, nicotine and other drug use in Minnesota. These costs disproportionately fall on already marginalized (e.g. BIPOC, LGBTQ+, low-income) communities and are embedded throughout our society in public laws, institutional policies and practices, societal norms and workplace culture.

We at ANSR acknowledge that structural injustices (i.e., inequities) exist in our society that unjustly advantage some and disadvantage others. We acknowledge that racism, white supremacy, and prejudice are at the root of these inequities and that countering these injustices takes deliberate and ongoing actions. 

The work we do in policy advocacy, research, substance misuse prevention, and community engagement is both shaped and impacted by equity. To accomplish our mission, we must acknowledge and address inequities in our community, in our workplace, and in society. 

Equity is important to our organization and community partners. We work in, with, and for communities. Our partners’ daily lives are impacted by inequities. By talking about and addressing these inequities, we hope to develop more trusting and authentic relationships with our partners and allies.  

As an organization we are committed to learning and action. This statement is a living document for ANSR to revisit, process, and grow equity in our work. 

How Are We Learning About Equity?

ANSR continuously seeks to learn about the following topics surrounding equity and inclusion:

  • Fostering anti-bias workplace culture including in hiring, supervision, and programming.

  • Initiating important conversations about identity, bias, prejudice, and stereotypes.

  • Taking action against bias-based mistreatment.

  • Developing policy initiatives and program materials with an equity-first approach.

ANSR also engages with these topics through training, suggested readings, and continuing education opportunities. ANSR recognizes that this is not a comprehensive list, and we welcome new suggested topic areas for learning and professional and personal growth.

Our Goals to Center Equity in Our Workplace and Work:

  • Maintain a “Spectrum Committee” to support, empower, and foster an inclusive environment for all staff, Board of Directors, partners, and visitors.

  • Regularly conduct an organization-wide analysis of systemic racism, power, and discrimination in all forms. Articulate our analysis to members and partners.

  • Prioritize equity when developing and implementing programs and policy.

  • Hold equity- and antiracism-focused trainings.

  • Diversify organizational leadership and internal decision makers.

  • Create mechanisms for input, accountability, and ongoing feedback from staff, community partners, and the public.

When You See We Can Do Better, Tell Us.

ANSR’s goal is to center equity and our values in all of our work. We know that this requires thoughtful commitment. We are still learning. We’ve fallen short in the past and are working to do better in the future. When you see we can do better, tell us.    

Land Acknowledgement

Statement Against Racism

Statement Against Antisemitism

Statement Against Islamophobia

Statement Against 2SLGBTQ+ Discrimination

Statement archive (PDF).

*Thank you to The Improve Group and The Loft for inspiring this equity statement.

*Statement finalized April 2024

Association for Nonsmokers - Minnesota Logo - white

2395 University Ave. W, Suite 310

Saint Paul, MN 55114

Office: 651-646-3005 

Fax: 651-646-0142


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In 1975, ANSR helped pass the nation’s first comprehensive state clean indoor air legislation. Since then, ANSR has continued to play a leading role in shaping tobacco policy and has been involved in every major state-wide policy, such as the Freedom to Breathe Act in 2007 and raising the tobacco tax in 2013. ANSR helped Minneapolis and Saint Paul restrict the sales of flavored tobacco, including menthol, and also helped Edina become the first Minneapolis city to raise the tobacco sales age to 21.

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